Why women like to wear high heels?

At present, there are many women who like to wear high heels, and some women do not like to wear too.

However, the number of wearing high heels still more than to wear flat shoes or verify. 5 reasons that make some women decide to choose shoes corner wear, including:

1. Wearing high heels can increase the height, especially for women who have a low height.

2. High heels can help women look fat because wearing high heels can reduce obesity.

3. High heels can help many women, easy to wear. Especially women who wear pants that runny heel.

4. Wearing high heels can make women feel sexy in good shape, which makes it attractive to men.

5. The final reason that many women like to wear high heels because heels are not very expensive, except footwear and women's indispensable.
Why women like to wear high heels? Why women like to wear high heels? Reviewed by Free Spin and Coin on December 14, 2016 Rating: 5

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