14 foods to help men who desire muscle!
If humans exercise (do not want to lose weight want to have toned muscles or healthy desire) is to try to practice hard and are less concerned about diet, nutrition. Therefore, time and effort, they became lost and void.
Especially for those who want muscles, you must not overlook the diet because the nutrition large number can help you with strength and increased energy, and moreover, there are certain foods help to balance the body, make you more attractive.
1. Pure lean beefMuscular athletes who want to eat beef in the diet. Lean beef helps grow muscle because it contains iron, zinc, B vitamins and amino acids, which is insulin in promoting muscle growth. For those who want to lose weight, beef, are a good choice because only beef is 85 grams soy protein equivalent to 1 cup and a half years.2. Net chicken without skinUnlike beef, chicken meat is a good source of protein predominantly contribute to bone health, muscle health, and weight. Moreover, the dishes made from chicken, so much so it is not difficult to cook.3. eggEggs are not only cheaper, but it also contains a lot of protein amino acids, 9 major vitamins, choline fat and especially vitamin D, which helps maintain a man's testosterone levels were constant. Day, you can eat eggs as a daily diet is enough. Numerous studies have found that eggs do not cause any adverse effects to human health, but if you have health problems associated with cholesterol, you should not eat more than 1 egg is enough, especially red.
Especially for those who want muscles, you must not overlook the diet because the nutrition large number can help you with strength and increased energy, and moreover, there are certain foods help to balance the body, make you more attractive.
4. Tuna Fish, and othersFish contain high proteins and low fat rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 is very important because it helps lower bad cholesterol and helps your body process (such as the digestive system, etc.). Especially tuna is rich in vitamin D, which helps to promote heart health. But you should not eat tuna every day (occasionally).5. seafoodShrimp, lobsters, and crabs are all you can eat seafood with noodles with rice or other dishes. The seafood all contains chemicals that help the male hormone testosterone levels rise. However, the bill, those chemicals can cause a problem if you drink too much and eat every day.6. watermelonWatermelon can help blood circulation helps to maintain cardiovascular health and helps maintain cholesterol levels to rise. In many countries around the world eating watermelon salad with meat and cheese, but you only eat fresh routine. The problem is that the watermelon season.
7. cauliflower
Broccoli can reduce levels of the hormone estrogen (female hormone) in your body while increasing the level of testosterone (male hormone) simultaneously. You should eat every day, but do not eat too much because it can make your hormones increase body temperature.
Broccoli can reduce levels of the hormone estrogen (female hormone) in your body while increasing the level of testosterone (male hormone) simultaneously. You should eat every day, but do not eat too much because it can make your hormones increase body temperature.
8. honeyHoney is a great product that can strengthen your immune system. Make every day should include a tablespoons honey diet. You can brew tea or pancakes made from a hobby. Guarantee that you will be strong and durable energy efficient.9. garlicGarlic contains chemicals that can help you to reduce stress and help to develop the muscles indirectly. Garlic has been taken as food and spices for flavor dishes. So do not underestimate it.10. brothA substance found in grapes may help delay aging, wrinkles and even help improve the composition of the sperm. To increase the levels of the hormone testosterone, you just eat grapes a day, clutching them.11. BeansBeans of all kinds, whether beans or soybeans, are rich in vitamin D and protein. You can take it to cook in the soup in a dessert dish, etc., etc.. It not only helps keep the levels of male hormones, but it can also contribute to heart health.12. OystersWe divided oysters from the seafood because it features other than seafood. Oysters rich in minerals, predominantly, and several other key elements of health care. You should add a bit of lemon and salt intake to get the maximum conceivable.13. dairyMilk is full of vitamins that help muscles grow. It also contains calcium, which helps bone health and vitamin D, which helps male hormone levels too. What you need to remember is to eat only low-fat milk only.14. Healthy fatsJust heard that you probably do not want to eat fat, but fat is good for health, can help muscle growth because it serves as the production of male hormones. Healthy fats in foods such as salmon, nuts, vegetables, leaves, berries, etc.
14 foods to help men who desire muscle!
Reviewed by Free Spin and Coin
December 14, 2016
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